Hello and welcome to snacktank.net! Here I share my software and games to the world. There's informatoin about things that strike my intrest and news about my youtube channel. Feel free to take a look around!
Youtube Channel
No new videos yet; I haven't posted a new video since June. I hoping that I'll post something before the new year, but only time will tell. I just haven't had any good video ideas as of late, hence the lack of videos. I've been planning a video with one of my friends for a while now, but I'm doubtful that we'll actually do it. There will be new videos, but I don't know when, and I'm not currently working on any videos—probably not anytime soon. Youtube Channel Latest Video
Laser Labyrinth is very much still in the works! Even though there hasen't been an update in the last few months, the game is still being worked on. Recently I added movement code to the eneimes, now they can fight back! I've also been working on a HD fullscreen version of the game. I don't know when I'll release it to the public, but now you can rest at night knowing that there will be a HD fullscreen version of Laser Labyrinth!
V1.1 (12/14/2024)